Happy Friday to all! Embarking on a little side project here – I’ll be bringing you Friday’s Five Favorites in photos for the next month.
Why? Well, let me ask YOU a question: Do you take a lot of photos throughout your week?
I do. A huge amount. And why not? My iPhone 6S+ allows me to take high quality photos and capture these moments in my life – a life that seems to be passing far too quickly.
I’m 50! F-I-F-T-Y. The big 5-0.
When in the flippity-flip-flip did that happen??
By sharing a few snaps with you through my Friday’s Five Favorites, maybe we can start a conversation. Discover our similarities. Marvel at our differences.
Laugh and cringe and acknowledge life and embrace it’s sadness and beauty and sticky moments.
In the process, I can satisfy this itch to do some scrapbooking without having to pull out my 40-pound supply bag and search for that @%#@ taperunner for the umpteenth time.
Thanks for glancing, and feel free to comment, or connect with me on Facebook or Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter.
Friday’s Five Favorites #1 : I’m Such a Ding-a-Ling.
No, really! I spend Tuesday evenings ringing bells with my fellow ding-a-lings in the bell choir, rehearsing for our once-a-month performance. Music, beats, and rhythms are my fave. I was a drummer decades ago, and you can still catch me beating out rhythms on the kitchen counter, or my kids’ shoulders, or even my belly (it’s a forgiving surface, haha).
Friday’s Five Favorites #2 : OUTside is My Favorite Side
I’m an avid walker, for both form and function. I’m lucky to live in the picturesque center of my hometown, with schools, athletic fields, the park, the library, and the corner store within a half-mile of my driveway. I am thankful that 17 years ago my parents had the idea to sub-divide their land so we could build this house and return to my hometown. Thanks, mum and dad 🙂
Friday’s Five Favorites #3 : Yes, I am a Cat Meow-del. How did you know?
We adopted Cali and her pal, Cosmo, from the angels at Paw Huggers Animal Rescue in Texas. Cali is a tortoise point Siamese type who is rarely at rest, and is, thus, tough to photograph. I finally realized I could videotape her instead, then take screenshots of the best stills. Brilliant, if I do say so myself 🙂
Cali bragged about it over on her Instagram account if you’re interested. Yes, I know. Get a life. Your cats are on IG? lollll such a guilty pleasure! We only follow Siamese and Ragdolls and, also Newfoundland dogs, cuz they’re the best kinds of non-cat animals ever.
Friday’s Five Favorites #4 : When Artistic Talent Skips a Generation (or two)
My son, Casey, blows me away with his easy talent at drawing. I don’t have it. My mom certainly doesn’t have it. We do both have nice penmanship, though, while Casey does not. Hmmm…let’s ponder that…
In this photo, he’s putting his signature on his first project for his high school Drawing class. Ridiculously detailed and meticulous and accurate with insane attention to shading, shadows, the texture of the shirt. He even got his own eyebrows absolutely perfect. This from a kid who’s bedroom resembles a trash heap with a bed in the middle of it. I guess creative genius can be messy 🙂
Friday’s Five Favorites #5 : Cat Assistants Make the Best Assistants
Cosmo loves to hang around the kitchen in case there is a cascade of crumbs. For him, the sound of the trash bin sliding open is his can opener (you cat owners will understand that). When I am setting up to photograph my latest dish, like this Slow Cooker Chicken Curry, he gets involved.
His strengths include astutely analyzing my angles and looking generally alarmed. I know I’m doing something wrong, but he’s so far keeping quiet on it. That’s tough love. Or maybe it’s more like, That’s tough, love. 🙂
There you have it, my Friday’s Five Favorites. In fotos not photos. Cuz alliteration. I’d love to hear from you!
Cheers ♥,
Hi Julia! I love your photos. And it is a certainly a great way to get to know you better. Your cat Cosmo is gorgeous and I think my favorite photo has to be the last one with Cosmo looking up from that plate of food. Intensity and color. Nice. Oh, and the thing we probably share most in common from these photos (besides the blogging of course) is the love of walking. I look forward to learning more in future posts. ~Kathy
Thank you so much for stopping by and for your comment. Blogging is so much of throwing your best out into the universe and hoping it hits someone (in a good way). I’m looking forward to learning more about you too.