National Nutrition Month is upon us once again, and dietitians everywhere would like you to ‘savor the flavor.’ And on National Registered Dietitian Day (today!), I always take the opportunity to remind everyone that a) I am a dietitian and I love bacon, and that b) above all, food is meant to be enjoyed. I’ve said it again and again…
There. Now that I’ve put it in BOLD CAPS and in my most favorite color, you know I’m being 100% genuine. I’ve got the backing of my esteemed professional organization as well. They, too, insist that you enjoy your food. “Savor the Flavor” to be exact.
Here are some of the foods I ‘savor’ frequently (these are all from yesterday!)
Being a dietitian is cool. I work with smart, motivated, health-minded people who love food. As a food/nutrition blogger, I get to work with and talk about food, like, all the time. Enjoying food is MY BUSINESS. Cool, right? And I really, really do enjoy food. Healthy, nutritious food. Decadent food. And occasionally junky food that offers little in the way of nutrition but satisfies my palate or my mood. But, yes, most of the time I’m eating with the unforgettable words of Michael Pollan as my mantra “Eat food. Mostly plants. Not too much.”
While my friends truly know that I’m laid back about nutrition and am a dedicated peace/love/food ambassador (Is that a thing? It should be. I want the t-shirt.), I still can see that, for my friends, knowing what I do for a living causes them a bit of stress when they’re feeding my kids. Like this text from my pal, Toni, just last week…
It truly is ‘all good’ as I know that real life means wholesome home-cooked meals, fresh fruit in the lunch box, and family dinners in addition to the occasional sugar-filled event, cereal for dinner, or a quick stop at the pizza joint for a slice and a soda.
That’s just life. Savor it 🙂
PS, Happy registered dietician day!
Also, I hate the GERD diet so if there is a way to have fun with this diet, I am all ears!!
Thank you!! I’ve learned through helping some family members that the GERD diet is highly individual. Have you been able to figure out which foods you need to avoid? Then I can send you some ideas .
Hi Julia, I recently signed up for your emails when I noticed you had a tasty healthy cookie recipe! Thanks for that! I am trying to become GERD and LPR free (without taking medicine), so if you have meals that pertain to helping out this issues, could you tag them? Thanks!
Betsy – I don’t treat patients directly and have no first-hand experience with GERD or LPR. From everything I’ve read, however, diet does play a significant role in treatment. Check out this handy 2-page protocol from Stanford Medicine’s Voice & Swallowing Center. Perhaps there is some new information you can work with. Good luck.
I agree wholeheartedly! Happy RDN Day to one of my favorite dietitians on the planet. 🙂
Oh my dear you have no idea how much I admire you, so THAT comment is so amazing to hear xoxo