“Mum, you should open a restaurant. You could serve all the things you like to make.”
This sweet comment from my 10-year-old came as I pulled out the ingredients for a very simple, but healthy, dinner. Me? Open a restaurant? While it is laughable from the viewpoint of my organizational abilities, I contemplated this thought daydreamingly while I spooned rice and edamame into my bowl. What would my fake restaurant menu look like? What are my favorite things to cook? To eat?
That’s where the daydream stops – because that would be one seriously limited restaurant menu. While I love to try new recipes, ingredients, and techniques in the kitchen, my go-to favorites constitute a very short list.
Sharpies in hand, I created my fake restaurant menu.
It would look something like this:
Hm. Fairly balanced. Minimal processed foods. A little light in the dairy department. Loaded with vegetables, though limited variety of fruit. Plenty of high quality protein, and coffee. Whole grains represented. Bacon and my favorite ice cream for fun.
Obviously this isn’t an exact representation of my usual diet. But it’s not that far off. I’m dying to know…
What would your fake restaurant menu look like?
Leave a comment here, or on my Facebook page. I am really curious to hear from everyone!
Love this idea! Your fake restaurant menu sounds delicious and reflects your favorite healthy choices. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you
It still holds true for me now, a few years later.
nice. Thanks for the beautiful blog. i like it
yah it was nice for me to have the fake menu as a reference for my 3 toddlers and we actually bought some fake food and a play kitchen and they play with it everyday! thanks
Cute!! Three toddlers?! Wow. My play kitchen was a godsend when my kiddos were that age – gave them something to ‘do’ while I made supper. Good luck!