Hello, friends. I have SO MUCH to share with you today! Laughs, a book giveaway, and a gorgeous smoothie recipe. Yes, recipes can be gorgeous. (Note: the giveaway is no longer active, but certainly read on for the delish Blueberry Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie recipe!)
For someone gifted with more words than one human ought to be, I do sometimes fail to promote that I am a nutrition expert. A registered dietitian. A know-it-all when it comes to protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Also, fiber and poop. Dietitians love poop, and its related humor.
Exhibit A
So, while I won’t often tout my own expertise, I am happy to promote the excellent work of others. Today, I’m thrilled to announce my very first GIVEAWAY, thanks to fellow registered dietitian, Jill West, author of the book, 400 Moms (Discover What 400 Nutrition Experts Feed Their Kids).
I was interviewed by Jill, along with 399 other mom/dietitians, when she was planning this book, and received the published copy a few months ago. It is an excellent handbook for anybody trying to feed their family healthfully – great tips, guidelines, ‘best of’ and ‘worst of’ lists to help you with snack/cereal/dessert choosing, and very insightful data into how and what dietitian/moms feed their kids.
56% of dietitian-moms allow their kids to buy school lunch 1 day per week or NEVER! That is quite significant insight into how these nutrition experts regard the quality of school lunch nowadays (A blog post for another time perhaps? We are minimal school lunch-buyers here). How often do your kids buy school lunch?
77% of dietitian-moms report that their kids drink at least two 8-oz servings of lowfat milk per day, including cow’s milk, soy, or enriched-rice milk alternatives. (In our family of five, we go through 7 gallons of milk per week!) What’s milk consumption like at your house?
54% of dietitian-moms rarely provide soda to their kids, and 80% allow it just once per week. They know that these sugar-laden drinks are overloaded with calories, and sorely missing vital nutrients. (My kids get it only on special occasions). What’s the ‘soda rule’ with your kids?
How do you win this awesome and helpful book? Just follow the prompts in the Rafflecopter widget below. You can win a ‘chance’ by things like leaving a comment here, liking mine or Jill’s Facebook pages, following us on Twitter, etc. Just make sure to scroll down to the widget here. Good luck, and let me know if you have any questions by emailing me at jugglingwithjulia@gmail.com!
Now, let’s move on to that gorgeous Blueberry Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie recipe I promised.
Just look at the luxurious colors – deep blues and purples that you just know are saturated with anthocyanins. What? You didn’t know?? Well, folks, that gorgeous purple/blue sheen isn’t just for looks! It’s a power anti-inflammation tool, and a great addition to the fiber and Vitamin C that the blueberries are already packing.
The best part about smoothies, aside from the fact that they are so pretty and remind me of rainbows, is that they are SO FAST to make. Literally less than 10 minutes, and filling enough as a meal if you need it to-go. My boys sucked these down greedily. That was lunch. I win.
Now you win. Here you go!
Blueberry Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie
Makes two 8-oz smoothies
Prep time: 5-10 minutes Cook time: zero, zilch, nada
1 medium frozen banana
2/3 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)
3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk (or dairy or soy or rice)
1/2 cup lowfat vanilla yogurt
1 -2 tablespoons peanut butter (I used natural PB)
Add all ingredients to the blender bowl and blend until smooth. Add more milk if necessary. Serve immediately, or refrigerate. Makes 2 servings.
Now, I hope you are excited about the GIVEAWAY because I definitely am! Best of luck, and have a delicious and healthy week 🙂 ~Julia
My favorite healthy food is brussel sprouts . I love them! 🙂
Me too!! Roasted with salt and pepper is my fave. ThxTrish!
What do you feed a kid who wont eat many fruits and vegetables? He will eat potatoes, apples, bananas,
and salad? Vitamin pills?
Great question, Tamara! And probably one common to many families. That isn’t a bad collection of fruits/veggies. I would bet with a little willingness on his part, you might be able to get him to try and accept a few new things over a period of time. Continue to serve the items he will eat regularly, but each week introduce something new – getting him involved in the decision-making, prep, cooking, etc is always a great way to boost interest. And remember that often a kid needs to try something multiple times before they’ll accept it into their diet. BE positive, be hopeful, and skip the nagging and haranguing. That’ll only backfire. A multi-vitamin isn’t a bad idea; might help, can’t hurt. But there is no pill that can make up for the boatload of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, as well as all-important FIBER, you find in whole fruits and veggies. Good luck!
One buys school lunch everyday & one buys it occasionally (so gross). One drinks lots of milk & one won’t touch it. One would drink soda everyday if I let her (I only do when we go out) & one could care less about having it. I think I raised them in the same house?!? I would love this book for my new diabetic.
Isn’t it that way in every house with kids?? I have one total foodie who’ll try anything, one with a huge appetite and not too picky, and one ultra-slow eater with a choosy palate. There’s no pleasing them all simultaneously, so I go 2-for-3 most of the time. Good luck with your new little diabetic. She is a champ, I know she’ll do well.
Congrats on your first giveaway!
I love your recipes and blog! Keep up the great work!
Thx, Deb!! Appreciate the support 🙂
This book sounds AMAZING! Can’t wIt to get my hands on it one way or another. Congrats!
Thanks, Jennifer! Who knows… maybe you’ll win it!
Thanks for your comments, Joanna!
Hey there – congrats on being in the book, and YAY to the giveaway!! We NEVER buy school lunch. Not only is it crap, it is not enough food to fill my growing boy. We pack, daily. As for milk, he has 8 oz of 1% 3 times a day. And he requests it – it’s not just required, he LIKES it. Soda – we only have diet (yes, I know, dangers there, too) and the most he ever really has is 2 cans a week. (unless he’s sick – I let the ginger ale happen if he’s sick and mixes it with juice)
We are SO lucky with Trevor. We’ve encouraged him to own his own health and nutrition since he was little. 5 fruits and veggies a day, lots of water, whole grains. With my propensity to gain/lose weight and Brian’s cholesterol, he’s very aware of the pitfalls and benefits. We’re SO lucky.
Oh, and my favorite healthy food – hmmm…that’s a tough one. Probably squash or Brussels sprouts
Both great – cant go wrong with veggies! Thx for commenting, Shirl girl xoxo
Wow you are doing great – and you are raising a foodie, too – I know he has a thing for the gourmet stuff 😉
HI Julia,
I love the data about how nutritionists feed their children, and I am with you on school lunches (we do about twice a month, unless we have a day where we all mess up on getting up, getting ready, etc.). Ditto for soda — when we are out only and that is not that often. I tried to enter the raffle for the book but the app says “starting soon.” I will try again later.
PS I am trying a new recipe from another food blog tonight, I will let you know how it turns out – it is an easy roasted chicken in milk from the former “Flawed Mom” blog I think she is calling it “My inner fruitcake” now and this recipe made it to Huffington Post.
Amen to all that! Yes the giveaway starts at 5:00 pm!