Feed Your Family. Keep Your Sanity.
Like many of you, I wear all the hats. It starts with wife and mom of three. I’m also a registered dietitian and foodie, as well as a dedicated mentor and educator. Add to aging athlete, coach, and entrepreneur, and you can bet that easy, family friendly recipes are key in my life.
Coach Julie Birthday Julie Happy Julie with Coffee
And I don’t mind admitting this: sometimes doing it all makes feeding my family (while keeping my sanity) a bit of a chore.
Can you relate? Well, I’m here to help.
Here at Juggling with Julia you’ll find 350+ family friendly recipes, as well as tips, tricks, and advice to help you find that balance between feeding your family well and keeping YOUR sanity. Take a look at my Quick and Easy Meals, Crock Pot Meals, and Main Meals for dishes that have become staples on our table.
Food friends are the best friends
And food love is a two way street. So feel free to reach out to me anytime. I’d love to hear from you, whether it’s to share your family favorite recipes, your own stories from the kitchen, or your philosophy on food or nutrition. Just email me at jugglingwithjulia@gmail.com.
How Juggling with Julia began…
Juggling with Julia started as just a little idea in the back of my brain in March of 2011. After following the work of a couple of nutrition colleagues online, I discovered the vast, prolific and passionate world of food blogs where homegrown cooks, bakers, dietitians, and foodies alike share their recipes, passions, and ideas with the online community. The sense of camaraderie is amazing, the recipe ideas are endless, and I just knew I wanted to be a part of it all. I thought to myself, “I can do that. I want to do that. And I’ve got something worthwhile to talk about.” And so, Juggling with Julia was born.
My Philosophy for a Fit and Food-loving Family:
Listen to your body.
Eat when you feel hungry, absolutely. Then, stop eating when you no longer feel hungry (psst, that happens well before you feel FULL). Rest when you’re tired, and get consistent sleep each night.
Choose whole foods every day.
Fruits, veggies, legumes, nuts, whole grains, low fat dairy, and high-quality proteins are the foundation of a healthy diet. The possibilities are endless. Try new foods once in a while.
Enjoy your food.
Eat what you like! Don’t feel guilty if you don’t like kale or whole wheat bread. Just do what you can to include whole foods in your daily diet, and indulge in moderation.
Get your kids in the kitchen.
Kids who cook are kids who rock. Get your kids involved in menu planning, grocery shopping, food prepping, and, of course, taste testing! Let them mess around in the kitchen (with age-appropriate supervision of course). The more foods, ingredients, and dishes they try, the broader their tastes will be.
Break a sweat. Move those muscles every day.
Plenty of research show that physical activity, whether it be mild or vigorous, brings about many benefits. Regular physical activity aids in weight control and stress reduction, and leads to a stronger body less prone to chronic diseases. Get moving a few times a week, and your body will thank you!
2 things— 1- you are amazing… 🙂
2- I need to change the email address I am subscribed to your posts through. How can I get the work one removed (terilynb@uillinois.edu) ?
Thanks– and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! So many happy family memories of our families together at this time of year!
Aw thank you, Teri!! I will find out how to unsubscribe – I don’t actually know that answer. Get back to you soon 🙂
Just stopping by to let you know that you’re truly an inspiration. I always enjoy getting a glimpse of what you’re life is like by reading your blogs. Keep up the good work! 🙂
YOU JUST MADE MY DAY! Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know. It truly helps to hear this every so often, even though I love blogging even when NOBODY seems to be reading 🙂
it was supposed to be thanks so much not thank so much
Hi Erin — yes of course, use this link for your website. Cool! I will be a big hit with Middle Schoolers 🙂
thank so much 🙂
Can i put a link to your website from my website i’m making at school?
so coooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The internet is going to be huge someday! Wow, I just found out about your new (old! by now) blog via a LinkedIn update! My old (young) friend you are constantly re-inventing yourself. You are an inspiration! Wow, I can’t believe that I knew you 3-kids-ago! Time flies. Great job & good luck. -Barb R. (former Bostonian)
Thanks, Barb 🙂 This blogging thing is a lot of fun. And, yes, this Internet thing is really catching on, isn’t it?
Ok, so 5 months later I finally make your bacon mac & cheese, and it is awesome!!!!! Thank you!!!!
Yeah!! Another fan of Bacon Mac-and-Cheese
I love those philosophies!
Wahoo! Thanks, Judy. Feel free too send along the spaghettie casserole recipe 🙂
Julia, this is GREAT! Thanks
Thanks, Noreen!! Come back and visit often 🙂
Hi Susan! My grandmother was a dietitian and I know she would be horrified at some of the things I do still buy. However, if she were here, I would simply say it was payback for making me eat beef tongue and chicken livers. I have to have the salty chips once in a while, and for some reason really love Cheetos. But don’t tell anyone. 🙂
Totally loving your philosophy #3! Words I try to shop and cook by. I saw on a morning show once another dietician advising that if your grandmother couldn’t recognize any of the grocery items in your cart, then don’t buy it. Love that. But I’m still not giving up my sea salt kettle chips during that time of the month 🙂
Hi !! I’m a friend of your Aunt Jackie’s….Love the look of your web-site…
I will be trying some of your dishes….It all sounds great,,,
Good luck to you…
Thank you, Terry! Trying to post 3x a week. Let me know when you like what you see, I am new at this and love the feedback. Give my Aunt Jackie a squeeze from me 🙂
Hey Jules, this is awesome, I finally had a chance to check things out. Always enjoy reading anything you write. If my family is ever in the same place at the same time for a meal, I will have to try some of these recipes.
Hey Julie,
Really great idea and nice job. Congratualtions on getting it going!
Love it Jules….keep er’ coming.
I am also one who is constantly looking up recepies on the internet.
I get Kraft recepies every couple of weeks.
I try them on my race pals…..ha ha
I LOVE it so far! xoxo