It’s the tail-end of the strawberry season here in New England, and have I got a sweet treat for you! Spiced Strawberry Chia Jam.
Hints of clove and cinnamon turn everyday strawberry jam into a wondrous spread worthy of your morning toast, your overnight oats, or classic PB&J. Or the lazyman’s PB&J as I’ve demonstrated with almost no effort whatsover 😉
Who on Earth decided clove and cinnamon go with strawberry jam?
My mother-in-law, that’s who. She pioneered the spiced strawberry jam movement as far as I’m concerned – at least in mid-coast Maine. She’s been adding clove and cinnamon to her strawberry jam for a couple of decades, and we’re obsessed.
She gifts us several jars each year, and we hoard them like the apocalypse is coming. When the kids were a lot younger, it was easier to make our secret supply last. They couldn’t tell the difference between the good stuff and Smuckers
::evil laugh::
But now the cat’s outta the bag and we’re all ‘sharing’ in that way that requires gritting teeth and trying to be adult-ish while the youngest heaps gobs of it onto toast which you KNOW won’t totally get finished because there’s still that stand-off between her and anything with a crust.
Hence, the creation of Spiced Strawberry Chia Jam. We needed a back-up. But I didn’t want to deal with standing over a hot stove, or titrating pectin-to-sugar ratios, or the rigamarole of a canning expedition.
What’s the big whoop about jam made with chia?
First of all, this jam takes no time at all to make, compared to traditional homemade jam. Thanks to the magical properties of chia seeds, which turn liquids into gel in moments, the jam sets quickly. You’ll be stuffing your face with Spiced Strawberry Chia Jam in just 15 minutes. 15 MINUTES.
Homemade, nutritionally superior jam in less time than it takes to drive to the store? Yes, ma’am. I’ll take my own Spiced Strawberry Chia Jam over a loveless, unspiced, store-bought jam any damn day.
Second of all, let’s ponder the major nutrition boost your jam gets by adding chia. The seeds are packed with omega-3’s, fiber, protein, calcium, and other minerals. Not a bad addition to a condiment that’s typically pure simple carbs.
Is making Spiced Strawberry Chia Jam really as easy as it sounds?
Absotively. It’s literally slice, mash, and stir. You’re heating the sliced strawberries on the stove for just a few minutes to get the juices to start releasing. Then you mash ’em, stir in the sugar, lemon juice, and spices, and finally add the chia seeds.
What you get is a jam that’s not quite as thick as store-bought, but totally spreadable. It will also thicken up more once chilled in the refrigerator, too.
What do I especially love about this strawberry chia jam recipe, aside from the ease of it? You decide how much sweetness you want by adjusting the amount of sugar you add.
It’s your jam, made fresh your way, in just minutes.

Spiced Strawberry Chia Jam
A hint of cinnamon and clove makes this strawberry chia jam extra special. Jam made with chia seeds means it's ready to eat in 15 minutes. Berry season just got a whole lot more delicious!
- 2 cups fresh strawberries trimmed and halved
- 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 2-4 tablespoons sugar
- 4 tablespoons chia seeds
In a small saucepan, heat the strawberries over medium heat for 4-5 minutes. No need to add water – the heat will help release the juice in the berries.
Remove from heat and mash to desired consistency. If you like your jam pretty smooth, mash it well. Or leave it a bit chunky.
Stir in lemon juice, spices, and sugar. Mix well, then taste. Add more sugar if desired. For my tastes, 4 tablespoons was the right amount.
Finally, stir in chia seeds. Within a few minutes you'll see that the jam is beginning to set. Leave at room temperature to cool. Store in a jar with a tight-fitting lid in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
Recipe Notes
*You only need to slice the strawberries in half. I had some huge berries so I sliced those into quarters.
*If you want to make this with raspberries or blackberries, the proportions are the same. However, you don’t need to heat the berries, as they are so fragile the juices will release easily just by gently mashing them.
*Technically, you don’t need to heat the strawberries. Mashing them gets the juices flowing, though less efficiently I would bet. If I try making this jam again without heating the strawberries, I will update the recipe with that info.
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